這文章是我直接翻譯JR貼在fb 上的見證.. 加上我的發語詞,有些發語詞不是原文!!
哇靠!! 這真是太神奇啦!! JR ! Amber開發的若美芙真的是皮膚聖品,若美芙一定會口碑相傳到全世界去啊!! JR !!
這產品自己會說話! 給你自己的生意給點力!! (大陸用法),加點油! (台灣用語),想辦法拿到若美芙吧,開始使用它,把使用後的效果散播出去!這產品會為你說話的!!記得要標註一下若美芙使用前和使用後啊!!
另一個若美芙使用前和使用後的照片,是Tammie Humble Ellison使用後在facebook分享的!
我不再是個可怕皮膚的人了!!若美芙解救了我的靈魂! 我是很認真的!! 以前,在我的人生中從來沒有聽過有人告訴過我"你的皮膚看起來真好!",現在,每天都有人告訴我皮膚變好了,而且一天比一天更好!! 我用了汀蘭施®酵素MDI複方深層潔膚乳和汀蘭施®MDI複方緊膚保濕露(保濕化妝水),還有若美芙全系列的產品(5種),我以前從來沒有用過任何的肌膚保養品可以有這麼顯著的改善!
這只是使用後一週而已,就改善了這麼多!! 我真是由衷的感謝啊!!
最後,繼續前進! JR
This is absolutely fantastic and amazing and there is a buzz going around the world about the results with this incredible skin treatment products by Amber Ridinger . The results speak for themselves. Do you and your business a favor andget some, use it, submit results, and spread the word. The [product does all the talking for you.!
Remarkable before and after with lumiere de Vie..
Loren Ridinger
Another Lumiere de Vie Before & After photo with testimonial from Tammie Humble Ellison that came in on Facebook.
"I'm no longer the person with horrible skin; Lumiere saved my soul! It's seriously that major. I've never in my life heard the phrase, "Your skin looks so nice!" Now I'm hearing it all the time and it's improving more every day. I use the Timeless Prescription Cleanser and Toner with all 5 Lumiere de Vie products. I have NEVER had any skincare product truly make such a visible difference before. Here's a picture of just 1 week - thank you from the bottom of my heart!!"
Keep growing, JR